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Guide Me
Guide my way, Father God
Like You I would be.
As I daily seek after You,
It is obvious to me, that You know what to do.
By Your grace, please add to my faith.
Father God, I want to be good
And obey the golden rule.
Your excellence I see, brings moral vigor to me.
Father God, I want to be good.
I want to know, need to know, know You know
How to deal with life’s challenging blows.
Wisdom from You brings courage to me.
Help me with self control.
Dear God, as I humbly bow
And wait upon You now,
Fortitude is what I need
The steadfastness of Christ.
Dear Father, add patience to my life.
You have said to be holy like You
But I have no way on my own.
If I give You all of me . . . And follow where You lead
Will You give me what is only Yours?
Father God, that I might love
As Jesus my Lord has taught.
Let others, through me be drawn to You.
Do for them what You have done for me.
To my basic faith when I first believed
And asked You to take control
The qualities I have, yea all I possess
Is Yours for it comes from You.
Praise Your Name, Praise Your Name
For the me people see is more of You
Than the me I used to be.
Praise Your Name, Praise Your Name,
Praise Your Holy Name, Father God,
Praise Your Holy Name!