Prayer Verses
Please use our PRAYER VERSES page to customize your name(s). Our Prayer Verses Page
By Keepsake Names| 2016-12-06T17:56:10+00:00 December 6th, 2016|News|
Please use our PRAYER VERSES page to customize your name(s). Our Prayer Verses Page
By Keepsake Names| 2016-12-06T17:45:49+00:00 December 6th, 2016|News|
We are proud to have Personalized Prayer Names for Michigan and surrounding areas. You can personalize your name by using our prayer verses page: Prayer Verses
By Keepsake Names| 2016-10-19T14:56:12+00:00 April 18th, 2016|News|
Emphasis on the personal touch for your personalized prayer name within Erie Michigan With the uniqueness of Keepsake Names Prayer Names™ also comes the emphasis on the personal touch. Individuals that purchase at our products love to read and choose the Prayer
By Keepsake Names| 2016-10-19T14:56:12+00:00 September 9th, 2015|News|
Keepsake Names is happy to announce our release of the brand new website! We are excited to spread the word and look forward to helping create personalized Prayer Names. Emphasis on the personal touch We find that along with the